Friday, December 28, 2007

Acesio A'mavi

Acesio A'mavi is an Italian artist and citizen currently residing in the United States. He comes from a long line of great artists and artisans passing the torch from one generation to the next. This family tradition dates all the way back to the Roman era.

His art work has a European influence from living in Italy yet he has lived in Maui, Aruba, Australia, Egypt and the Caribbean which all can be seen in the various expressions and style of his art. His has been called the next Salvador Dali of the new millennium.

When asked what artists have inspired him his reply was candid “Dali, Da Vinci and Picasso.” He explained how he had studied the masters lives even more than their art to get a better understanding of where great art originated in the mind and soul. He has been able to tap the same universal source that has allowed these other great artists to find inspiration.

He has found what he calls "a Divine inspiration". He says "I am merely the vessel that acts as a channel to allow these works to flow through me."

He started out creating art for his own expression and now he has expanded.He now finds himself creating art to touch someone else's soul.

If one were to ask 100 people about one particular piece of art there would be 100 different responses as to the meaning or perception of what that piece of art reflected or meant.

This all began for Acesio once he understood what Picasso meant when he said “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.”

Acesio said "the secret was I had to allow myself and my brain to get out of the way. Once that happened I found I was inspired to create new works and found inspiration is endless once we can tap the source in which all creation derives from."

When asked how can one tap an endless source of inspiration. Acesio replied "Picasso was also right when he said ”God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant, and everything that exists. He has no real style. He just keeps on trying other things.”

Acesio says "I found myself creating something new each time. I had a conscious intention every time I create a new work of art."

"If I touch only one persons soul, emotions or life with my art; I have done my job."

Acesio attributes his success not to great skill but to a unique understanding of the universe.

"I have studied the masters lives not their art. I believe in order to follow in their foot steps one must understand what enabled and inspired one to achieve such greatness.I merely followed the path they had laid before me. We have the same universal views and similar goals. "

"I believe one of the greatest keys is that we tend to work harder then everyone else and have a vision of where we are going. We create not for fortune or fame these just come with the path we have chosen."

Picasso said it best “ Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time.”

The irony is that the world is usually made up of people working themselves to death to enjoy a little spare time and those who have figured it out derive pleasure and inspiration in all we do; Hence the greatness through divine inspiration compared to the mediocrity of an unhappy soul.

Salvador Dali said “Picasso is a painter, so am I; Picasso is Spanish, so am I; The secret of my influence has always been that it remained secret. When the creations of a genius collide with
the mind of a layman, and produce an empty sound, there is little doubt as to which is at fault.”

Acesio A’mavi has studied Leonardo Da Vinci said “ It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things. For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return. Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else. The trick is the doing something else.”

Acesio has found the same truth that Da Vinci, Dali and Picasso have found. The trick is in always creating something else is tapping that divine inspiration and then acting on it. Once
you can make this a lifestyle, you will always achieve greatness in all you do.

The European, Australian and Hawaiian influences are very prevalent in his art work.One can view these works and there is such a vast array of artistic works one has a hard time picking only one favorite. He is currently being courted to open Galleries featuring only his works in the Orlando, New York, Maui and the L.A. markets.

He has a special interest for charity and especially green causes giving back to our planet. Acesio says "I have learned much about how one person can effect the planet if they just make a conscious effort from my fellow artist and considered a friend Wyland.Hailed as the “Marine Michelangelo” by USA Today, Wyland’s work is sought by millions of collectors and his galleries throughout the United States are considered a must-see on the itineraries of travelers everywhere. He has been making an impact on saving our planet since the 70's.

Acesio says "Wyland taught me we can make an impact through our art while helping inspire people to get envolved and help save our planet. While living in Australia the aboriginals taught me we do not inherit the earth or land from our ancestors we borrow it from our children."

The Egyptian influence was from his visits to Egypt where he was a guest and actually allowed to go inside the pyramids.This opportunity over 2 month period provided a variety of inspirations. Tourists and locals are kept almost a mile away and are never able to experience Egypt in this way.

Acesio A'mavi when asked what his legacy will be he responded "I do art to touch someone else's soul. My goal is simple to leave the world a little better because I existed. If I can inspire or educate others to do the same I have been truly blessed."

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